Welcome to Genuine Me!

I’m almost positive that all of you have read a blog before. Blogs usually talk about the latest news, teach a skill, or share a story. Well, this blog is going to be a little different. We are not the ones who will be writing it.

Let me explain… 

If you know anything about Genuine Me, you know that we are dedicated to helping youth. Often, this group of people are not being heard. We thought it would be a good idea for them to be a part of our business. You may be wondering what this will look like. The youth will be able to design their own shirt, which will be featured on our website. In addition, they will have the opportunity to share their story on this blog. 

Many young people have endured struggles that seem invisible to everyone else. Featuring them on this blog is our way of helping them get heard. No, we are not trying to glorify their trials, traumatic events, or mental health challenges that they may share. We are trying to show you that these people are real and genuine. They have a place and a purpose in this world and a story worth sharing. They have the ability to impact numerous people who also feel alone in their struggles.

So, how can you help?

You guys have the easy part. Browse the store, find the shirts you love, and read the story that correlates. These youth will enlighten and inspire you with their words. Sharing experiences will not only help those of you on a similar journey feel less alone, but educates those of you who have not experienced these struggles. Being less ignorant to a variety of individual stories will help everyone become more compassionate to one another. These youth have overcome their hardships and still remain resilient. Tell your friends, show your family, and wear it proudly.

We are Genuine Me!

Want to know more? Email us at contact@genuineme.org


Thank you for your support!


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